Article Submission Manager

Version: 2.1
No special requirements
Windows 7/Vista/XP

Description - Article Submission Manager

Article Submission Manager (Article Submitter) help you to quickly submit articles to multiple sites, maintains a list of sites and Shortcuts, maintains a list of articles and shortcuts. Short sentences and long sentences of the article can be customized. The article sentences provides shortcuts to quickly submit articles in the built-in Web browser.

Target Site List the article to be sent
Article Submission Manager maintain a list of URL information, each URL information contains a URL Link, a web site name, a web site login name, a website password. Login name and password has a corresponding shortcut key,to enable the user to quickly login.

Pending submission of Article List
Article Submit Manager maintain a list of articles, each article contains of multiple phrases text and long sentence text. All text automatically include shortcuts For quick fill to the site you want to publish

Quick submit articles
Quick release information Quick submit articles URL list and the list of articles to many-to-many relationship, Fast Submit articles, first select an article in the article list Then select a URL in the URL list Click Browse button of the site into the built-in Web browser, In the login information text box, press the shortcut key user or password. The user or password is automatically populated. Similarly, in the need to fill in the place of the article phrase text or long sentences of text, Press related shortcuts sentence, the sentence text will be automatically filled

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Article Submission Submit Articles