Inflight Reference TE

Version: 1.5
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Windows Vista/2003/XP/2000/98/Me/NT

Description - Inflight Reference TE

Create reference lists fast and add citations to your documents easily. save time- try inflight referencer! easy-to-use inflight referencer allows you more time to focus on the content of your documents by creating correctly formatted APA style, Harvard format and custom bibliography reference lists fast. add citations to documents, essays and reports easily as you type them. organise research and work documents better. ^ this updated edition also allows users to create an annotated reference list, attach documents and pdf articles and includes powerful search features. users can also type an isbn/Barcode number, journal title or keyword and inflight referencer can help complete the relevant reference list Details allowing users to work FASTER. plus, inflight referencer works with Word, Open Office, WordPerfect and all other word editors and processors. discover how inflight referencer can help you work and study better and download the free unlimited-day trial edition today! features new updated referencer interface.switch Between entering media details to viewing reference lists and bibliographies fast. plus organise research, search records, and attach downloaded articles, pdf documents and files. apa, harvard and custom stylescorrectly cite and reference in commonly used formats including APA style and Harvard format or customise your bibliography output to show additional details such as annotations. create lists from a variety of sources including journals, reports, internet articles and newspapers or simply type a barcode, isbn or keyword and let inflight referencer help complete the details! insert citations quickly into documents as you type them using the cite toolbar. inflight referencer also knows to include `et al.` when citing the same media resource more than once in your document.

Inflight Reference TE Inflight Referencer Reference Lists

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