
Version: 3.9
No special requirements
Windows 7/Vista/XP

Description - DriverIdentifier

Updating hardware drivers for your PC ensures that your computer works at maximum. You should update your hardware drivers on a regular basis to avoid any compatibility issues, glitches or system crashes. However, locating drivers for each hardware component connected to your computer and searching for updates to the applications installed on your system can be a tedious task.

There are many applications out there to help you with this job , but they are not free or their database is small or not up to date. Today, we have another application, named DriverIdentifier, that scans all the hardware connected to your computer and from its database of drivers, provides you with an option to update the outdated ones. Fortunately , this application is free and their database is huge.

DriverIdentifier is a one-stop application for locating the driver of any hardware component, including USB, chipset, modem or printer driver. According to the developer, following are the features of DriverIdentifier:

The program installs all required drivers to any computer in just about 5 minutes.
No more wasting time looking for drivers; all required drivers will be installed by making only a few clicks.
Simplifies downloading new drivers from the Internet.
Updates previously installed drivers to their latest versions.
Once the application is installed, click Scan Drivers to get a list of all the hardware connected to your computer.

DriverIdentifier Required Drivers Hardware Connected

More in Drivers-DriverIdentifier

Hardware Component Required Drivers Wasting Time Looking