Wing IDE Per for win

Version: 3.2.7
No special requirements
Windows Vista/2003/XP/2000

Description - Wing IDE Per for win

Wing IDE Personal is a low-cost integrated development environment (IDE) for the Python programming language. Wing IDE Personal is licensed for non-commercial use only and was designed for hobbyists and educational users that don`t require the full feature set of Wing IDE Professional. Code Intelligence Wing understands your Python code and puts context-appropriate knowledge at your fingertips, whether you`re typing in the editor, managing your project, or debugging your application. The code intelligence tools provided by Wing are: Auto-completer: Reduces typing burden and typing mistakes. The completion options are always context-appropriate. Wing offers completions both in the editor and in the integrated Python shell. Error Indicators: Flag bad code as you type. Goto-definition: Jump directly to point of definition. Navigation menus: Layered menus in each editor provide a handy index into your code. Indentation Analyser Inspect, repair, and convert indentation style in source files. Wing`s editor also auto-indents and block indents according to context. Advanced Debugger Wing can debug all forms of Python code running under many Python versions, whether launched from the IDE, externally by a web server, or run as a script in an embedded copy of Python. In addition to basic breakpoint, flow control support, and stack data display, the Wing IDE Professional debugger provides the following power tools to reduce debugging time: Floating Debug Value Tips: Wing shows the value of variables or expressions under the mouse cursor. Exception Detection: Wing can distinguish handled and unhandled exceptions at the moment that they occur, allowing inspection of runtime state at the point of failure, not after the FACT. Several exception reporting modes are provided. Change Debug Data: Debug data values can be changed from the graphical display and from the Debug Probe, as a way to test out alternative runtime environments while debugging.

Wing IDE Per for win Debug Data Context Appropriate

More in Compilers and IDEs-Wing IDE Per for win

Python Code Debug Data Flow Control Support