
Version: 11.133

Description - TweenLite

TweenLite is an extremely fast, lightweight, and flexible tweening engine that serves as the foundation of the GreenSock Tweening Platform. A TweenLite instance handles tweening one or more numeric properties of any object over time, updating them on every Frame. Sounds simple, but there`s a wealth of capabilities and conveniences at your fingertips with TweenLite. With plenty of other tweening engines to choose from, here`s why you might want to consider TweenLite: SPEED - TweenLite has been highly optimized for maximum performance. See some speed comparisons yourself. Feature set - In addition to tweening any numeric property of any object, TweenLite can tween filters, hex colors, volume, tint, frames, and even do bezier tweening, plus LOTS more. TweenMax extends TweenLite and adds even more capabilities like repeat, yoyo, repeatDelay, timeScale, event dispatching, on-the-fly destination value updates, rounding and more. Overwrite management is an important consideration in a tweening engine as well which is another area where the GreenSock Tweening Platform shines. You have options for AUTO overwriting or you can manually define how each tween will handle overlapping tweens of the same object. Expandability - With its plugin architecture, you can activate as many (or as few) features as your project requires. Write your own plugin to handle particular special properties in custom ways. Minimize bloat, and maximize performance. Sequencing, grouping, and management features - TimelineLite and TimelineMax make it surprisingly simple to Create Complex sequences or groups of tweens that you can control as a whole. play(), pause(), restart(), or reverse(). You can even tween a timeline`s CurrentTime or currentProgress property to FastForward or rewind the entire timeline. Add labels, gotoAndPlay(), change the timeline`s timeScale, nest timelines within timelines, and lots more.TweenMax

More in Flash-TweenLite

Greensock Tweening Lots More Greensock Tweening Platform