SFEChat is a real-time chat cgi for the web.


Description - SFEChat is a real-time chat cgi for the web.

SFEChat is a real-time Chat cgi for the web, similar to Chat-N-Time but with more "bells & whistles." It lets you hold real-time conversations on a web page. Users log in, and then can type what they`d like to say into a text Box, and hit "Enter" or click a button. The chat window refreshes itself every 10 seconds or so (you can configure the time Between refreshes), so that others looking at the page will be able to see the new addition to the conversation. (You can modify this refresh setting.) This program requires the use of frames and JavaScript though, so non-frame browsers won`t be able to use it. Works with IE 6 and Netscape 7. Please make sure you and your users have the most up-to-date versions of their web browsers. Features of SFEChat: New admin functions: /kick (kick a user out of the chat until a full screen of text has gone by), /ban (ban a user and/or IP address from the chatroom, /unban (un-ban a user or IP so they can use the chatroom again). Use /adminhelp to see the full list of options. Registered Users: Users must register a chat room account and log in with their username/password. Makes it easier to /kick or /ban people. Admin can also add and delete registered users with /adduser and /deluser, or view registered users with /showusers. Temporary admins: Admin can designate other chat admins by using /op or /unop. Temporary admins can use /topic, /kick, /ban, /badword, /unbadword, /addicon, and /removeicon but not /op or /unop. Operator (temporary admin) status lasts until the admin uses /unop.

More in Perl-SFEChat is a real-time chat cgi for the web.

Time Chat Real Time Real Time Chat