Better Autosuggest

Version: 1.0.7

Description - Better Autosuggest

This custom tag wraps the cfinput tag. It allows you to make more use of the autosuggest widget by exercising greater control of its properties that are not accessible through the cfinput tag. The tag allows you to set the following properties of the YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete object on which the cfinput autosuggest is based: * delimChar - Allows a list of values to be built up in the text Box * typeAhead - If true, the first selection will automatically appear in the text box * forceSelection - If true, Forces the input to match one of the items in the autosuggest list * maxResultsDisplayed - Maximum number of auto-suggestions to show * useShadow - Whether or not to show a drop shadow on the suggestion list * prehighlightClassName - css classname for the preselected item in the suggestion list * highlightClassName - css classname for the mouseover selected item in the suggestion list * autoHighlight - Whether or not to automatically Highlight the first suggestion * animVert - Whether or not to animate the appearance of the suggestion list vertically * animHoriz - Whether or not to animate the appearance of the suggestion list horizontally * animSpeed - Speed of animation New in 1.0.6: * queryMatchContains - If true, suggestion list will contain strings that *contain* the search string. If false, the results will all *start* with the search string. * queryMatchSubset - If true, suggestion list will contain strings that are contained within the search string * queryMatchCase - If true, suggestion matching is case sensitive Fixed in 1.0.7: * Issue with ColdFusion 8.0.1 resolved * Excesive whitespace removed

More in ColdFusion-Better Autosuggest

Search String Suggestion List List Will Contain