
Version: 0.1

Description - CacheBox

CacheBox provides a one-stop-shop for content caching. Gives Caching PEPP: Portable, Extensible, Personal and Powerful 1. Portable - use the same caching service for all your frameworks or applications - agent/service design allows you to publish `CacheBox Ready` code with no dependencies so you can use it everywhere2. Extensible - easily write new storage engines or eviction policies3. Personal - let the person running the application decide how to Cache, NOT the person who wrote it (after all, it`s your server)4. Powerful - see all the cache for your applications in one place - keep your CF Cluster in-sync and let the framework decide how best to cache (automatic-optimization) - OR - do it yourself through a handy management application with hot-swappable storage types and eviction policies Supported caching engines include- in memory- file- database- Java SoftReferences- cluster scope (Railo)- memcached (requires cfmemcached also on riaforge)- ColdFusion 9 ehCache instance- Custom - add your own Supported eviction policies include- auto: allow the server to decide- perf: same as auto w/ emphasis on speed- fresh: same as auto w/ emphasis on content freshness- age: evict after N minutes- idle: evict after unused for N minutes- fifo: first in first out- lru: least recently used- lfu: least frequently used- custom - add your own

More in ColdFusion-CacheBox

Cachebox Cachebox Evict After Scope Railo Memcached