
Version: 1.0.5
.NET Framework 2.0 or higher
Windows XP/2000/98/Me/NT

Description - CounterOffer

eBay`s Best Offers is a powerful feature that lets you make sales you otherwise wouldn`t by accepting offers below your asking price. But it can be tedious and time consuming to set this feature up for your auctions through eBay`s site. That is where Merlin CounterOffer comes in. It sits in your system tray and quietly checks your accounts for incoming best offers.. When they do, the magic begins. Rather then having to manually enter dollar amounts into eBay`s site for each of your auctions to determine if an offer should be accepted or declined, with CounterOffer you can specify a single minimum acceptable percentage rate that will apply to all your auctions. Don`t want one rate for all your auctions? You can specify as many rates as you`d like based on auction titles or even keywords. The most powerful feature can`t even be done at all through eBay`s site: the automatic counter-offer. If the bidder`s offer is below your minimum percentage, a counter-offer will be sent automatically for the price you want. Responses to best offers are very time critical. Most bidders will not wait long for your response before moving onto the next vendor. It has been proven that using Merlin CounterOffer to quickly and automatically respond to offers can raise sales by 30% or more over processing the offers manually.

CounterOffer Ebay`s Site Counter Offer

More in Personal Finance-CounterOffer

Merlin Counteroffer Ebay`s Site Percentage Rate That