Base64 Encoding ActiveX Library

Version: 2.04
Active X
No special requirements
Alvaro Redondo
Windows NT

Description - Base64 Encoding ActiveX Library

This library implements the Base64 encoding system as it is defined in RFC 2045: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME), Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies. This encoding is used as a standard to send binary information through network connections or by e-mail.Encode (strDatos As String) As String. Encodes data passed in strDatos and returns the result in a String var. EncodeArr (arrDatos() As Byte) As String. Encodes data passed in the array Datos and returns the result in a String var. EncodeArrArr (arrDatos() As Byte). This method will take data to encode from arrData() and will return the encoded data in the same array. It`s the fastest one. EncodeFromFile (strPath As String) As String. Encodes the file specified in strPath and returns the result in a String var. Decode (strDatos As String) As String. Decodes data passed in strDatos and returns the result in a String var. DecodeArr (strDatos As String). Decodes data passed in strDatos and returns the result in an array. DecodeArrArr (arrDatos() As Byte). This method will take data to decode in arrDatos() and will return the decoded data in the same array. It`s the fastest one. DecodeToFile (strDatos As String, strPath as String). Decodes data passed in strDatos and saves the result to the file given in strPath. If Another File exists with the same name, it will try to overwrite it.

More in Active X-Base64 Encoding ActiveX Library

String Decodes Data Passed Decodes Data Passed